Note: For a blackball to count, the specific reason for blackballing needs to be fully disclosed to the membership coordinator privately. If a blackball is received, the membership coordinator will review the blackball with the trustee, and then forward it to the board. If the reason for blackballing meets the requirements for a blackball, then it will be upheld.
You have 48 hours to submit this blackball vote for it to be counted.
To ensure confidentiality, blackballing will be conducted privately over emails directly to the Membership Coordinator.
These and all other internal HAUS documents will not be made available to applicant or anyone other than board members and membership officers, unless requested by a court of law.
Members may only exercise their blackball vote for one or more of the following reasons:
Personal knowledge of any threat of violence, sexual harassment, or other threat of crime to other members.
Demonstrated reasons the applicant cannot be reasonably expected to participate in the labor system, pay rent, or function in a cooperative living environment effectively.
Applicant will have a known large carbon footprint should they live at the house, such as a daily commute beyond Beltway 8, or that their move to the house would mean they are moving significantly further away from their daily work or school location.
Previous evictions.
If an eligible person receives one or more blackballvotes they will no longer be eligible for membership pending review.