- Short-Term Subletting Policy
- The goal of the short-term subletting policy is to give members the opportunity to sublet their room for a short-term period of no more than one month.
- The short-term subletting policy cannot extend longer than one month, or it will be subject to the guidelines laid out in the long-term subletting policy.
- The work involved in subletting a room is the responsibility of the member wishing to sublet their room (current member). This involves all aspects of subletting including advertising for said room, fielding replies, checking applications, setting rent rate, etc. The Membership Coordinator is simply responsible for ensuring that the member has not violated any HAUS policies and that the subletter is acceptable to the rest of the HAUS members.
- It is the member’s responsibility to either delegate his or her labor to the subletter or make other arrangements for his or her labor to be done while he or she is away. Prior to departure, the member must check in with the Labor Czar and lay out his or her plans for ensuring that labor is done in his or her absence.
- The subletter’s rent will be decided by the current member, but cannot exceed the price the current member pays. It can, however, be less than the normal rent, assuming the current member pays the difference between the normal and sublet rent, so HAUS still receives the full amount due each month.
- The member is responsible for paying rent to HAUS during the subletting period. The subletter does not have to pay a security deposit to HAUS, because the current member’s deposit acts to secure the room. The current member can, however, require the subletter to pay a subletting deposit to the current member. This amount cannot exceed the deposit amount the current member paid when he/she moved in.
- It is the member’s responsibility to collect the following information about the subletter and send it to the house list-serve via email.
- Name
- Contact Information (email, phone, permanent address)
- Emergency Contact Information
- Brief Bio
- Length of the Sublet
- Process for Acclimating Subletter to House Members and House Policies
- If the member who is subletting will be gone for the duration of the sublet and will not be able to acclimate the subletter to the house, he or she must ensure that another house member be available to greet the subletter upon arrival, give him or her a tour, and serve as a liaison for the rest of the house.
- The current member will notify the house of the beginning of a 48 hour blackball window. During this time, any member may chose to blackball the subletter for any reason other than those protected by federal law.
- At the end of the 48 hour black ball window, and only at the end, will the results of the blackball vote be announced. If the subletter receives no blackball votes, they will be allowed to sublet the current member’s room.
- Long-Term Subletting Policy
- The goal of the long-term subletting policy is to give members the option to take longer leaves of absence and still fulfill their labor and financial obligations to the co-op.
- This long-term subletting policy applies only to subletting situations of a minimum of one month, or a maximum of three months.
- The subletter’s term may extend past the three month point with unanimous approval by HAUS members, but the term cannot extend longer than the term of the member who is subletting.
- HAUS members will be provided with a subletting lease template.
- The work involved in subletting a room is the responsibility of the member wishing to sublet their room (current member). This involves all aspects of subletting including advertising for said room, fielding replies, checking applications, setting rent rate, etc. The Membership Coordinator is simply responsible for ensuring that the member has not violated any HAUS policies and that the subletter is acceptable to the rest of the HAUS members.
- All sublet applicants must fill out a normal HAUS membership application form. That form must be thoroughly vetted by the current member and verified by the Membership Coordinator.
- The subletter must perform all of the labor the current member normally performs per week.
- The subletter’s rent will be decided by the current member, but cannot exceed the price the current member pays. It can, however, be less than the normal rent, assuming the current member pays the difference between the normal and sublet rent, so HAUS still receives the full amount due each month.
- The member is responsible for paying rent to HAUS during the subletting period. The subletter does not have to pay a security deposit to HAUS, because the current member’s deposit acts to secure the room. The current member can, however, require the subletter to pay a subletting deposit to the current member. This amount cannot exceed the deposit amount the current member paid when he/she moved in.
- After a subletter’s application has been approved, the subletter must introduce themselves to the rest of the house in one of two ways:
- Attend one house dinner. The current member must notify all other members of the dinner at least 48 hours in advance.
- Attend a conference call with a majority of house members. The conference call can be substituted with individual calls to house members as long as a majority of members have been able to communicate with the prospective subletter.
- After the subletter has attended a house dinner or conference call with a majority of house members, the current member will notify the house of the beginning of a 48 hour blackball window. During this time, any member may chose to blackball the subletter for any reason other than those protected by federal law. If members were not able to attend the above dinner/conference call, but would still like to learn about the prospective subletter, they may do so during the blackball window by contacting the subletter directly. The current member is responsible for facilitating this communication between the subletter and other curious members.
- At the end of the 48 hour black ball window, and only at the end, will the results of the blackball vote be announced. If the subletter receives one blackball votes, they will be allowed to sublet the current member’s room.
- A subletter’s lease, similar to the attached, must be signed by the subletter. The lease will state in writing all the details of the subletting tenancy including the sublet rent, labor requirements, term of sublet, security deposit (if applicable), etc.