This policy was voted into uRth on 06/18/18
Members can greyball a member trying to renew their lease. The greyball triggers a review meeting and vote. If more than ⅓ of votes are “No”, the member in question cannot sign a new lease.
Call to Vote
Before a current member can sign a new lease, the membership coordinator (MC)** must announce a 48 hour call to vote period.
This must occur at least 30 days prior to the end of lease; it is, however, the responsibility of the member in question to remind/notify MC of intention to move out or renew lease 30 days prior to lease end.
Any current uRth resident can then issue a call to vote (also known as a greyball) by replying in private to the MC, without having to specify reasons.
- If no call to vote is submitted from uRth, the member may sign a new lease.
- If at least one call to vote is submitted, uRth must hold a meeting for the greyball vote.
Greyball Meeting Procedure
The discussion and vote will take place at the house’s next scheduled meeting. If the member’s circumstances require a speedy resolution, the MC can call an emergency meeting. Details of this meeting follow:
- Quorum number of members must attend the meeting, not including the member in question. (E.g. if quorum is ⅔ and 15 people live in the house, a total of 11 people must be present: the member in question and 10 others).
- MC leads discussion about concerns, from which member in question is absent. MC prefaces discussion by:
- Discussing fair housing policy
- Listing legitimate reasons for “No” votes. These are listed in the blackball policy, and follow:
- Any threat of violence, sexual harassment, or other threat of crime to other members.
- Demonstrated reasons the member cannot be reasonably expected to participate in the labor system, pay rent, or function in a cooperative living environment effectively.
- Previous evictions.
- House brings back member in question and MC relays concernse to them. They are given chance to respond. MC may allow open discussion (i.e. members discuss their concerns and engage member in question), if MC feels environment is safe.
- Member leaves and house discusses response. No new complaints can be brought up.
- House proceeds with vote.
- People have the option to vote “Yes” or “No“ or “Abstain”. Member in question does not get a vote.
- Members who voted “No” need to provide their name on the ballot. MC keeps this strictly confidential.
After Greyball-Meeting Procedure
If the “Yes” responses make up 1/3 (or more) of the non-abstaining votes, the member in question can renew their lease.