HAUS - Ruth Start-Up Guide.pdf
This guide is intended for resident members, associate members, sub-lessees, long-term boarders, and guests at 1917 Ruth Street. Some of the points below are rules, some are guidelines, and most are based on common sense. Following the precepts of this guide will help uRth run more smoothly—and sustainably!
Rent is due to the Treasurer on the 1st of each month. Checks and money order are acceptable methods of payment (cash not accepted). *A $15 late fee will apply if rent is received after the 5th of the month. *A second $15 late fee will apply if rent is received after the 12th of the month. Payment plans are available on a case-by-case basis.
A member that pays rent on time for 12 consecutive months is eligible to take off $100 in the last month.
We purchase groceries and supplies, as well as pay contractors, using the house debit card (usually placed in the Treasurer’s mailbox). For the pin, ask Treasurer. Keep all receipts and return them to Treasurer’s mailbox. The only exception is farmer’s market, which requires taking cash (also located in Treasurer’s mailbox).
Officers buying supplies (e.g. maintenance tools) over $75 need house approval.
uRth HAUS business meetings are mandatory and usually occur every other THURSDAY at 8 pm. If you need to miss a meeting for any reason, email the whole house saying so at least 24 hours in advance, including the reason for missing. If you wish the reason to remain confidential, tell Trustee. Quorum for meetings is ⅔ of residents. Missing meetings can result in termination, for further details see the Missed Meeting Policy.
To put an item up for discussion (on the agenda), write the topic followed by your name/initials on the whiteboard by the mailboxes (see below).
Your lease agreement includes performance of approximately 4-5 hours of labor each week. The Labor Czar will consult with you in the assignment of two or three jobs, at least one of which is connected with the kitchen (cooking, cleaning, or shopping). Each week, please report to the Labor Czar via labor Slack what you have accomplished in your jobs. If you must miss a job or shift, do your best to arrange a labor trade, or find someone who will work in your place; in either case, inform the Labor Czar.
Be sure to meet with the Kitchen Manager for kitchen orientation. This orientation includes where various equipment and foodstuffs live, what kitchen cleanup comprises, common sense cookery (e.g., don’t use metal tools on non-stick cookware, don’t soak woks or cast iron), proper disposal of kitchen waste, recycling etc. When putting food away, place in a proper storage container with a lid, contents and date labeled with masking tape and markers provided. For personal food, label with your initials and date of expiration.
If you would like to plant something, please consult with the Garden & Grounds Coordinator before doing so. Considerations of optimal soil, sun exposure, access to water, and drainage must be thought out; the planting may interfere with other plans already in progress. The G&G Coordinator should also communicate to all members what fruits, vegetables, and herbs are ready for harvesting.
**Waste:**uRth recycles and composts, and strives to reuse items instead of throwing away. Cleaning: use washable rags for cleaning, not paper towels. Please use vinegar and baking soda to clean kitchen counters, bathtubs, showers, etc. **Garden shower:**the outlet from the washer and shower in the laundry bathroom is greywater, used to irrigate the garden in back. Use only biodegradable detergents, soaps, and shampoos in the laundry bathroom. **Laundry:**clotheslines are available for drying your laundry. **Food and shopping:**it is a house priority to purchase in season, local, and organic food. uRth has reusable grocery bags for shopping use. Think carefully about packaging during food purchases. Try not to bring home takeout leftovers in polystyrene “clamshell” containers, which cannot be recycled. Drinking water is available via the reverse osmosis water filtration system in the kitchen, and it is possible to carry water with you in reusable containers, eliminating the purchase of plastic water bottles. **Transportation:**take public transit options (bus and train), carpool, bicycle, and walk to places you need to go. **Maintenance:**please use low or no VOC (volatile organic compounds) housepaint.